Sometimes, we delude ourselves, that we're okay where we are...that the road ahead doesn't loom. I wonder if this "delusion" may be rooted deeply, in the nostalgia of our life. It's a comforting place to be...a safe haven. Our nostalgia...from the "scratch the surface" that can lift and bring a smile, to the fragile and porous, is fiercely personal. We're lucky in life, if we can rewind through the years, and find some level of nostalgia at every stop. Not measured stops, not a purposely few stops, but frequent, random far back as your memory will take you.
My memory doesn't take me much farther back than this.
We're lucky, to have pictures that help "remind." Pictures...the tangible reminders of that moment; treasured memories collected over the years. Your nostalgia, your memories...remain tucked away safely, until called whimsy, or need.
I have many decades of nostalgia that I can call upon, when those feelings of alone, where do we go from here, or how did we get to this place, pervade. After all, no matter who we're surrounded by, no matter how many we're surrounded by, it all comes down, to our "me, myself, and I." Internal trumps external.....a l w a y s. The balm of nostalgia can soothe, inspire, refresh, and...encourage. It can provide a brief respite...a detour from the present, or the looming.
Be aware, though, of nostalgic overload. A detour is fine...we've all taken them; just don't let this detour, surreptitiously guide you down a dead-end path. It's easy to become entangled in the mire of "what was", of "nothing's better than", and of what might never be again. Looking forward can seem overwhelming, when you don't know where you need to go, or how you can possibly get there. Move forward, though...full speed ahead. Save your nostalgia for comfort and can't, and it won't, sustain.
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