A Quiet Whisper

The noise I make . . .is a quiet whisper
My feet are not small. . . my footprint is
The glasses I wear are not rose colored . . .
they see all too well
I have a voice . . . but my mouth has a filter . . .
 my hearing can be selective
I love life . . . but embrace it with a tentative, gentle hug
  and walk softly and gingerly, on paths well-traveled,
being careful, to not step outside the lines

Some people embrace life with a gusto; at full throttle, with arms wide open. They're not a quiet whisper, but the cacophony of the percussion section of a marching band. They're not the anemic-looking cucumber in the salad, but the beautiful, sleek strip of red pepper.

Embracing life with a gusto - it takes courage. You don't have as much to lose, when you tiptoe quietly around the curves, that life can throw you.
