Sometimes, I'll eat a cracker just like the one above, whole. Most of the time, I break it in half, and eat it a little more daintily, but it's really not too big, to eat in one fell swoop (especially, if no one is looking). You know how sometimes you just do things out of spite, or because you can? Yes? Well, that's what this is.
I once, pretty much, missed an entire new product roll-out at a sales meeting in Chicago, watching the lovely young woman sitting across from me take 45 minutes to eat a cracker, just like the one above. A nibble here, a nibble there, study the cracker intently, roll it over, turn it over, another get the picture. Who knew, that there were people so dainty (I guess), that a small, easy one-bite cracker, could last the entire length of a new product roll-out?
There isn't enough time in the day for one to eat that slowly, so maybe it was a dare, she wasn't sure she liked it, or it kept her from nodding off, after a long day of presentations. Whatever her reasoning, every time I eat a small cracker, she comes to mind, and I go for the one fell swoop.
Funny, the things we remember. I don't remember what the new product was...but I will never forget that cracker.
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