One of My Favorite Meeting Destinations...Quebec City

I'm in the mood, to boost a city here. I'm not, nor have I ever been, a world traveler. I board a plane with white knuckles, and although I wish that wasn't the case, it just is. Therefore, every white-knuckle journey I've made, is a stand-out to me, as I haven't made all that many.

Not that I haven't put on the miles...far from it. It's just been behind a steering wheel, and with over hundreds of thousands of miles...a huge territory, I never white-knuckled that. I think it's a being in control thing. No control w h a t s o e v e r , just doesn't sit well.

With one of my jobs, we took a couple of white-knuckle journeys to two cities that I fell in love being Vancouver, BC, and the other, Quebec City, Quebec. We had business meetings, and we explored.

Today, I'll focus on Quebec City, and I encourage getting your passport in hand, and make it a destination. We always flew out of Milwaukee or Chicago, as they were the closest airports with direct flights, "AND, who doesn't love flying out of O'Hare??".

This post is getting long...I like to keep things short. Google Quebec City for some background, and explore the link I've attached at the bottom of this post...on your computer, as your phone won't do it justice. With the link, you can navigate around Quebec City, and see what awaits, if you make the journey. There's a lot of history you'll find fascinating, the food is superb (very French), and among many other things, the scenery (and the wine) are amazing. Take your walking shoes, because the only proper way to see this city, is by foot. Quebec City is the capital of Quebec, so don't miss the stunning Parliament Building.

So, that's my spiel. If you're wanting to get away, and you don't have a plan...consider this.

The link at the bottom of this post...give it a minute to load, and then explore!

Au Revoir!,-71.1991876,141a,35y,289.36h,79.11t/data=!3m1!1e3
