When most people see this photo, they see the big old jumble of wires, my failed attempt to make the sky more beautiful, OH...and the poles holding up that big old jumble of wires. I know this to be the case, as several people have asked me, why would I take a picture of poles and wires. I'll admit they captured my eye, but my real reason? Rooftops.
All are the icing on the cake...with assorted colors, textures, and angles. There are the bold, pitched high, to accommodate and impress; and the unobtrusive, slung low, to harmonize and conform.
The lucky among us, find shelter under a rooftop...protection from the elements, and a refuge from the dark side of Mother Nature. Pitched high, slung low, opulent, or intermittently bare...above us, they all offer shelter.
Sometimes, we see beyond the obvious, and go to a different place. And, other times, a little whimsy creeps in, and takes us to a place, unexpected.
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