The Recipe, Though, Is Ours

Of all things tangible, nothing compares to the beauty of Mother Nature. I had to write that in italics, as it represents my sentiments so much better, than just the default font.

No doubt, she's a force to be reckoned with, and somewhere in the world, on a daily basis, she's getting her undies in a bundle. Such a dichotomy is Mother Nature...beautiful, calm, and serene here, at the same time she's unleashing with a vengeance, there.

She definitely has a mind of her own, and no pleading with, reasoning with, or acquiescing to, will change it. She will unleash what she chooses, when she chooses, and we're left to pick up the pieces. When she's calm, though, we're all free to bask in her glory.

And, when she's calm, her beauty is unsurpassed. We can build high into the sky, with glass to reflect the sun; we can build low to the ground to conform, and not disturb. One thing we can't do, though, is mimic Mother Nature. She has dibs on all the good stuff, like the view from my daughter's deck. We can even thank Mother Nature for the wine. The recipe, though, is ours.

