Looking at 70 in the rearview mirror, can be more than a little unnerving, as
not a one of us has been there before, and
all of a sudden, you find yourself
"lumped in," "categorized"
and "discussed" by the masses,
as if you can't read,
as if you can't hear
You're still loved and revered, by those who love and revere you,
but looked at differently, sometimes critically,
as a whole,
by the masses...
because time has not stopped for you
has it stopped for the masses...
Lest they forget,
there is always....
The dichotomous, and stealthy,
tick and tock,
lording over us all...
at once, desired and despised.
The great leveler, that not a one of us, try hard as we may...
can outrun,
or outsmart.
If left to our own devices, age is just a number
to society, age defines us
And, so it goes...
Tick and Tock
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