I learned something this morning...Trends Don't Last Forever. Shocking. Maybe that's the reason I can't find that leisure suit I've been searching for, for my hubby. 😉 I was thinking of a bluish/grey, to match his eyes, as I remember there were lots of assorted colors. Decades ago, when these were all the rage, he took a hard pass. He's older now, so I thought he might find one to be comfortable. Polyester doesn't breathe, but it stretches, and would be more comfy, I would think, than a waistband that doesn't expand, after a full meal. Here is where I have to say that I'm only kidding, lest someone take me seriously...never have and never will, look for a leisure suit.
Ahem, my mind is usually focused on things much more relevant and important than this, but I came across another one of those lovely little stories you can find on the internet, that bashes Boomers (for one thing, or another), where we were advised that "Trends Don't Last Forever"! There it was, on a news site, no less, in the "sponsored" section. I looked at a couple of their examples, before I wondered how we (Boomers), as a whole, could boycott this company. But wait, it wasn't a company. It's just a site where people with a sponsor, I guess, can poke a stick.
I dunno, and haven't Googled it, but is there a movement somewhere out there, where we can locate our own sponsors, talk some smack, and poke that stick right back? Wouldn't it be, just a little bit fun? Someone should get on that.
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