Fading Away


Something I've noticed...myself (and others of a similar age), seem to be losing some of our visibility. Not that we can't see, but some can't seem to see us. I don't know exactly what's happening...maybe we're entering that "fade away" stage of life. You know, where we subtly fade into the background...like a plant, or a picture. People don't trip over us, or run into us, but the perfunctory smile and polite nod, are an equivalent (of sorts). And so, it goes. (Shadow on my face, not a beard). 


  1. Beautiful insites intp people's thoughts!

    1. Thank you...I'm sure anyone of my age notices the differences in the way we're perceived, as we age. In some societies, maybe with age comes more respect, but that's not usually the case with ours. Depends on the person, of course, but it seems, often, quite the opposite.


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