Dear Chicago...I'll Be Thinking of You

Dear Chicago,

An ode to you is warranted every now and then, as you're dragged through the mud, more often than seems fair. If all stories in print about you were weighed, they would tip the scales, as Chicago, being...."Pretty damn awful, most of the time." Well, I guess there's some truth to that, but since that's often the goal, we need to keep that in perspective.

I have a tendency to wax poetic about cities I love, as I want people to realize what I already know...that you're not all bad. To dismiss you casually is easy, as it requires nothing more than...maybe a lame flip of the wrist, and a trite, overused, derogatory comment (or two). But remember, you're the "City of the Big Shoulders," Chicago, and you're maybe not what you once were, but you still have a LOT, that continues to make you glorious.  I don't expect we'll get to see much of your "glory" in the next few days though, for as we know, politics and religion have a tendency to bring out the ugly. 

I hope you're allowed to shine for the next few days, Chicago...for the world to see. And I know it's not about you, but no way are you going to get off easy.  Just do your best against the odds you'll be facing. I'll be thinking of you...

My best...

