Dear Chicago...

Dear Chicago,

A shout-out to you is warranted every now and then, as you're dragged through the mud, more often than seems fair. One should, however, keep in mind, the intent of all the negative articles, is just drag you through the mud. I spent a lot of time in Chicago back in my working years and had only positive experiences. Was I lucky? Perhaps, but you kind of learn where to and where not to turn. I have to mention...your leafy suburbs are second to none. Always loved a day spent driving, from one to another.

I have a tendency to wax poetic about cities I love, as I want people to realize what I already know...that it's not all bad. To dismiss you casually is easy for some, as those who don't care...just don't care. But remember, you're the "City of the Big Shoulders," and you're maybe not what you once were, but you still have a LOT, that continues to make you glorious. We just don't read about that in the news.

This is the site I've used (for years) to keep track of who's Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. I love this site, but am kind of ticked, Chicago, that Toronto has passed you. You should work on figuring that out, because in no way, should that be.

When I think of you, I think of the majesty of your skyline, stretching high into the sky, while envying those with an office, condo, or apartment that look out over a lake...that looks like an ocean. There are those who say it doesn't really count, as it's not an ocean.  You then breathe a sigh of relief, that indeed, it's not an ocean.

Happy Holidays, Chicago. As far as the upcoming new year...make it a good one, and put Toronto back in her place.


P.S. If you can't click on the link and bring it up, just copy and paste. Then, Chicago, you can figure out where to set your goals, and put Toronto back in her place.

