Type A... Impatience is a Component Where I Shine

Impatience is a component of a Type A personality, and it's where I shine. I'm realistic, and don't aspire to be the best at anything, so why delude myself that I fit that trait of Type A. Some examples of shining, with impatience...

Fast Food Drive-Ups 

For drinks and/or food...are you kidding me? Don't get in line behind seven cars! All I wanted was a Diet Coke. Please, let's just go...I'll be fine without it.


I play 3-minute games. I've tried 5-minute games, but it gives my opponent way too much time for pondering. I used to play 10-minute games and found I just really didn't have the patience.

Broadcast News

I have to admit, that I don't watch broadcast news. Not at all, for a minute. That doesn't make me uninformed, though, as I read (voraciously) network news (both sides of the fence), 5 newspapers (digital, not dead tree), editorial opinions, etc. As far as broadcast news...I don't like the small talk, the bickering, the commercials, etc. (That list goes on for quite a while).

Traffic Jams

WHY does anyone not take the first exit they can, when all they see up ahead, are cars pretty much dead-still stopped. As you crawl along, and there's an "out"...if I'm your passenger and you crawl on by this "out," I may not show it, but really? I was in sales, with a 6-state territory...trust me, sometimes the back roads will get you there more safely and quickly. 

That's probably enough...for now. 😉
