Monsters Within

A foreboding sky...closest photo I have, that might seem pertinent.

Monster...the word. It conjures up something similar to all of us, I'm guessing. A monster doesn't have to have horns, claws, one eye, a roar, or a tail. We all know that. Most monsters are insidious. They live within the confines of a body, easily disguised by the look of normality. 

They exist, in most walks of life, thinking their "look of normality" is the perfect disguise. Eventually, they find it difficult to rein in. Hence, they're exposed. The world knows many monsters, and to a one, I believe, narcissism exists within. I don't, by any means, have training or authority to determine that...I'm just saying, I believe that it's so.

Why do we, as a people, so easily kowtow to so many monsters within? Why do we let them rise to positions of power...a determinant as to how we live our lives. Anyway, go back as far in history as you like...we all know this is nothing new. 

Are we charmed by them? Hardly. Are we deluded? Sure. Some have overpowered a people, a country...delusion may have come into play initially, but eventually, the monster was exposed.

Take this where you want. I know where I'm going with this, but it may not be clear. I'm okay with that. This post is far, FAR, from my norm, and, honestly, I don't like it. But it's on my mind, so I went there. 
