I'm guessing my dad couldn't run fast enough to grab his camera, and snap a pic of this little bit of chaos. I'm trying out something new, I believe...riding side saddle on my tricycle. OR, maybe I had been doing wheelies, as I look like I'm about to either throw up, or maybe just spit at something. My cousin is examining her piece of chalk, perhaps pondering if next, she should draw on vertical surfaces, so as to get an early start at becoming a graffiti artist. In the background is my little brother, who looks like he's considering a dismount from the front porch. I don't know the outcome of that, but am very happy to report that he's still with us. And then, there's this...
My dad, with his camera again. I have no idea where this garden was, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the purpose of this photo. For the record, my nose was not huge, and my brother's eyes and ears have always been placed, just as they should be. Cool shades, though.
I could go on, but I'll save it for another day. There is a plethora of what I like to call, "My dad with his camera again," photos. Good times.
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